About the Author

謝啟民 | 陽明交通大學應用藝術研究所副教授,法國格勒諾柏綜合理工高等學院博士。創作研究持續關注於舞蹈、電腦動畫與資訊演算之跨域展演,現階段專注於演算美學與表演藝術的深度對話,重要作品2014年與編舞家吳秀蓮創作《無常》,2016年與鋼琴家辛幸純創作《拉威爾-加斯巴之夜》,2018年《最古老的風景》,2020年《歧異的風景》,2022年《注定風景》。

Chi-Min HSIEH, Associate Professor at the Institute of Applied Arts, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. He holds a PhD in Art, Science and Technologies from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble in France. Chi-Min has been focusing on interdisciplinary performances that integrate dance, computer graphics, animation and interactive technologies. At the moment, he engages in the advanced dialogue between algorithmic aesthetics and performing arts. His representative works include Impermanence created with choreographer Wu Shiu-Lien in 2014, Ravel’s Gaspard de la Nuit created with pianist Hsin Hsing-Chwen in 2016, The Ancient Paysage imitating the ocean in 2018, The Odd Paysage in 2020, and Un Paysage Choisi in 2022.

About the Lab.