Written on September 25th, 2021 by CMH
It was as if the mountains when seen through many millenniums would rise and fall like waves in water, from the Vishnu mythology.
《無常》結合舞蹈、互動科技與視覺藝術,由科技藝術家謝啟民、編舞家吳秀蓮與製作人杜玉玲帶領團隊共同創作之跨領域舞蹈作品。 模擬自然界中的各種流動現象,探討人際的繁複流動;以流體模擬計算出優雅的流動影像,以群體模擬揣摩複雜的社群變遷,搭配充滿能量的肢體語彙和巧妙設計的多段群舞。 透過觀察自然中的各種流動現象以及人際的繁複變化——或狂戀、或依賴、或爭奪、或背叛、或游移,探索生命中的「常」與「無常」。由此延伸無常的他貌:緩慢推移、堆疊的日常狀態,或是亟欲抽離現狀的離常意念。
“Impermanence” is a work combining dance, interactive technology, and visual arts, which integrates powerful body languages with elegantly flowing images produced by computer simulation. It explores the “permanence” and “impermanence” of life through the observation of the flow phenomena in the nature as well as intricately changing interpersonal relationships. It further discusses the dichotomy of “usual” and “unusual.” While the usual represents what is accumulating slowly in everyday life, the unusual reflects the yearning for escaping from the present moment.